
of a meeting of the

Planning Committee


held on Wednesday 22 June 2022 at 7.00 pm

at 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, OX14 4SB






Open to the public, including the press


Present in the meeting room:

Councillors: Max Thompson (Chair), Val Shaw (Vice-Chair), Ron Batstone, Cheryl Briggs, Jenny Hannaby, Diana Lugova, Robert Maddison and Jerry Avery (in place of Mike Pighills)

Officers: Steve Culliford and Stuart Walker


Remote attendance:

Officers:  Paul Bateman, Martin Deans, Lewis Dixey, Sarah Green and Hanna Zembrzycka-Kisiel

Guests: Councillor Judy Roberts




1       Chair's announcements


The chair ran through housekeeping arrangements appropriate to an in-person meeting which was being simultaneously broadcast.




2       Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mike Pighills (substituted by Councillor Jerry Avery) and Councillor Janet Shelley (substituted by Councillor Ben Mabbett).




3       Minutes


RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the committee meeting held on 30 March 2022 as a correct record and agree that the chair signs them as such.




4       Declarations of interest


Councillor Cheryl Briggs declared an interest in item 7, application P21/V3298/FUL, 65. St. John’s Road, Abingdon, for which she was ward member, and for which she would stand down.


Councillor Jenny Hannaby declared an interest in item 8, application P21/V2546/RM, Land at Crab Hill east of A3388 and north of A417, Wantage, for which she was ward member, and for which she would stand down.





5       Urgent business






6       Public participation


The committee noted the list of public speakers for this meeting. 




7       P21/V3298/FUL - 65 St Johns Road, Abingdon


The committee considered planning application P21/V3298/FUL for the change of use of retail (E use class) into restaurant (E use class) and takeaway (sui generis) including installation of extraction flue system to side, at 65 St Johns Road, Abingdon.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that a planning condition had been recommended to only allow for pizza preparation. 


Councillor Helen Pighills, a local ward councillor, was unable to attend the meeting but her statement objecting to the application was read out at the meeting. 


The committee considered the application to be acceptable in terms of its impact on visual amenity.  Subject to condition, the impact of the proposed flue was also considered acceptable.  The committee believed that there was no likely harm to neighbours’ amenities, nor could the application be refused on highways grounds.  Arrangements for waste collection were also considered acceptable and the proposal complied with relevant Local Plan policies and with the National Planning Policy Framework.


A motion moved and seconded, to approve planning permission, was carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P21/V3298/FUL, subject to the following conditions:



1.         Commencement of development within three years

2.         Development in accordance with approved plans



3.         Materials in accordance with application

4.         Premises hours restriction

5.         Extraction flue installed and maintained in accordance with details submitted

6.         Restriction of use to pizza restaurant/take-away only

7.         Bins to be stored as shown on plan




8       P21/V2546/RM - Land at Crab Hill, land east of A3388 and north of A417, Wantage


The committee considered planning application P21/V2546/RM for the construction of new road carriageways (Grove Road Loop Road and Major Access Road), footways, cycleways; reprofiling of land for development, Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) swales and associated earthworks, and hard and soft landscaping throughout the site, particularly within the country park (northern area of the site) and the park within the Grove Road Loop Road (as amended by plans received 30 November 2021, 17 December 2021 and amended by plans and information received 17 March 2022 and 25 April 2022), and the discharge of conditions 8 & 17 (CEMP), 8 & 31 (LEMP), 21 (Landscape Details), 23 (Tree Protection), 24 (Landscape Maintenance), 37 (Surface Water Drainage) and 45 & 48 (Highway Design) on planning permission P21/V2544/FUL, all on land at Crab Hill, east of A338 and north of A417, Wantage. 


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that there was no objection on flooding grounds. 


Alistair Menzies spoke on behalf of Wantage Town Council, objecting to the application. 


Julie Mabberly spoke on behalf of the Wantage and Grove Campaign Group, objecting to the application. 


Nicky Brock, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. 


Councillor Jenny Hannaby, a local ward councillor, made a statement urging the committee to take local knowledge into account and conduct a site visit.  Councillor Hannaby then left the meeting room during the debate and vote on this application. 


The committee discussed the buffer zones at the edge of the site and the possibility of a footpath.  It was noted that these elements would be subject to a future reserved matters application.  The committee dismissed the suggestion of a site visit for this application but considered that a site visit might be needed when considering future reserved matters applications. 


The committee considered this application to be acceptable, subject to the conditions recommended in the officer’s report.  The application had been assessed against the Local Plan, the National Planning Policy Framework, and other material planning considerations following consultation.  The site had been allocated in the Local Plan and there was an extant outline planning permission on the site for up to 1500 dwellings. 


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P21/V2546/RM, subject to the following conditions:



1.         Approved plans



1.         Details pursuant to conditions 8, 17, 21, 23, 24, 31, 37, 45 and 48 of outline planning permission P21/V2544/FUL are agreed for this phase through the approval of the Reserved Matters application. 

2.         The applicant is reminded of the obligation of compliance with the relevant conditions on the outline application that apply to this phase (e.g., CEMP & LEMP implementation).




9       P21/V3524/FUL - Land West of Faringdon Road, Stanford in the Vale


The committee considered planning application P21/V3524/FUL to vary condition 1 (approved drawings) on application P18/V2056/RM with changes to site layout (Residential Development for up to 100 dwellings with associated access).  To include home office space in 11 out of 100 dwellings of the previously approved homes, updates to the soakaway shape in central open space area, re-position hoggin footpath by plot 84 to link to parcel to the south (the former Seven Acres Site), re-position of the adoptable footpath (taken to boundary opposite plot 66), removal of garages from some plots (1 and 2 bedrooms), Types A, A2, R, S, updates to the tree survey, access details have been shown (following the technical approval of s278), widening of the road by plots 57-49 (as per amended plans and documents submitted in April 2022), all on land west of Faringdon Road, Stanford-in-the-Vale. 


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that there was a small amendment to the application since the publication of the agenda.  The number of dwellings with home office space had been reduced to 11 out of 100.  The planning officer considered that the application was still acceptable and recommended approval. 


Kevin Middleton spoke on behalf of Stanford-in-the-Vale Parish Council, objecting to the application. 


Georgina Naish, the applicant’s agent, had submitted a written in support of the application.  The statement had been circulated to the committee in advance of the meeting. 


The committee considered this application to be acceptable, as the site had been allocated for housing development in the Local Plan and the application complied with the Local Plan policies. 


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 


RESOLVED: that authority to approve planning application P21/V3524/FUL be delegated to the head of planning, in consultation with the chair and vice-chair of the committee, subject to the following conditions:


Standard Conditions

1.         Approved plans


Pre-commencement above slab level

2.         Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme

3.         Updated Biodiversity Mitigation & Enhancement Strategy  

4.         Vale Newt Condition 1   

5.         Landscaping details (S38 and S278 works) 



6.         Noise Mitigation

7.         Access as agreed

8.         Visibility Splays as agreed

9.         New Estate Roads to Highway Authority specification

10.       No occupation until drainage scheme implementation

11.       Boundary Details



12.       Tree Protection

13.       Road Safety Audit

14.       Off-site highway works

15.       Construction traffic management plan

16.       Residential Travel Plan

17.       Travel Information Pack

18.       Protected Species strategy

19.       Foul Drainage Strategy

20.       Contamination Risk Assessment

21.       Tree protection

22.       Landscaping Scheme (Implementation)

23.       Details footpath link

24.       Maintenance of Open Space/Play Areas

25.       Landscape Management Plan

26.       No Drainage to Highway

27.       Electric Vehicle Charging Points  



28.       Planning Obligations

29.       Superfast Broadband




10     P21/V3456/FUL - Site of 82 Cumnor Hill, Oxford


The committee considered planning application P21/V3456/FUL for the variation of condition 2 (approved plans) in application P16/V0721/FUL (additional drainage information received 05 April 2022) (Plan S73-06A received 6 June 2022 substituted for plan P06 A, to reflect same number referencing for plans), for the redevelopment of the site to provide 8 no. 2-bed apartments along with external amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and refuse store, on land at 82 Cumnor Hill, Oxford. 


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the 2016 permission could be built.  The new application sought an amendment as set out above.  The planning officer did not consider that the changes were harmful and therefore recommended that planning permission should be approved. 


Chris Westcott spoke on behalf of Cumnor Parish Council, objecting to the application. 


Councillor Judy Roberts, a local ward member, made a statement objecting to the application. 


The committee noted that the live 2016 permission could be fully implemented on site.  The changes proposed to the scheme were considered to not materially alter the impact of the development on the visual amenity of the area, when compared to the 2016 permission.  There was a slight improvement with the removal of the second floor side windows, removing the perception of overlooking from neighbours.  The additional parking spaces were seen as a benefit.  Whilst it was accepted the proposed building was large and might not necessarily follow the neighbourhood plan design policies, in this case there was the fallback position of the same size building, which could continue to be built in line with the 2016 permission.  The committee also asked about the impact of the proposal on badgers.  The officer reported that the countryside officer had raised no objection to the application.  Given no additional harm would be caused by the proposal, the planning officer recommend that the application should be approved. 


The committee noted that planning conditions were recommended regarding the access road and the arrangements for waste collection.  In conclusion, the committee considered that the application was an improvement on the 2016 permission.  Therefore a motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P21/V3456/FUL, subject to the following conditions:

1.         Approved plans

2.         Access, driveways & turning areas prior to occupation

3.         Cycle Parking in accordance with plan prior to occupation

4.         Construction Traffic Management in accordance with details discharged under P16/V2381/DIS

5.         Close existing access

6.         Salt/grit bins provided prior to occupation

7.         Drainage implemented in accordance with details prior to occupation

8.         Landscaping Scheme implemented in accordance with plan

9.         Materials in accordance with details discharged under P16/V2381/DIS

10.      Implemented in accordance with conclusions of badger survey and method statement under P16/V0721/FUL

11.      Slab Levels in accordance with plan

12.      Revised Tree Protection details submitted prior to any further site works

13.       Obscure glazing to north and south terraces and north window

14.       Refuse and recycling provision prior to occupation




11     P22/V0480/HH - 42 Hutchcomb Road, Oxford


The committee considered planning application P22/V0480/HH for the demolition of existing conservatory and raised terrace, proposed single storey rear extension, raised terrace, loft conversion and dormer window (amendment to clarify existing built form of neighbouring property as shown on P02A), at 42 Hutchcomb Road, Oxford.   


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was before the committee as the applicant was a district councillor. 


The committee noted that application could be achieved through permitted development rights if the applicant was not a district councillor. 


In the absence of any negative weight that could be attached to the proposal, in the form of identified harm from any material consideration, the committee considered that the application was acceptable. 


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/V0480/HH, subject to the following conditions:


Standard Conditions:

1.  Commencement within three years

2.  Approved plans list


Compliance conditions:

3.  Parking spaces to be implemented in accordance with plans

4.  Materials in accordance with application details






The meeting closed at 8.50 pm



